Works in Progress

Afternoon all,

Its been a while, not because I have nothing to say, but because I am finding it difficult to focus on anything in particular - for which I am blaming the perimenopause (although I’m using that as an excuse for EVERYTHING just now, with good reason).

Because of this butterfly-hopping behaviour, I have multiple projects on the go (mind you, when do I not?) Currently, off the top of my head, I am knitting the ADVENTuresome Wrap by Ambah O. Brien, which I’m about 2/3 of the way through. I’m also knitting the Rowan design Ronnie, by Lisa Richardson and a cardigan/jacket from WYS called Galphay, from their Fleece collection, which is almost finished too. Oh, and a sample of Rowan’s KidSilk Haze Colour on pins too.

This is not including the gazillion things I have started at home. I am a serial and persistent caster-on, but (mostly) an eventual finisher.

I think its because I hate being bored. I hate working on one thing only, one consistent, unimaginative, samey thing. I do love what I knit or crochet, but I find it difficult to stick to one project at a time because depending on what mood I’m in, that might be absolutely the wrong thing for me to work on then. I craft constantly, both knitting and crochet, so there has to be something to suit how I’m feeling at the time (and since the perimenopause, my symptom-deck-of-cards shuffles and deals a new set of moods every day!)

So I have sock projects (multiple), a crochet blanket (only one right now), a couple of cardigans in varying stages of completeness, some knitted blocks I’m not sure what to do with, a couple of shawls on the go, some yarn that has been knitted, ripped out, crocheted up, frogged again (it doesnt know what it wants to be yet) …and so on.

And you know what? That’s fine.

They will get finished eventually, one way or another. And in the meantime they won’t go off. They will wait patiently until I’m in the right frame of mind to pick them up again.

Thank goodness for that.